The School of Code aim to make coding a social, fun and collaborative experience. Their mission is to encourage different types of people to pursue their interests in technology by teaching them key skills and providing a whole range of opportunities.
Their latest opportunity is an entirely free 16-week course that starts on September 4th!
The course takes 20 beginners and gives them the skills and knowledge to become fully developed programmers by the end of the 16 weeks. They originally intended to take only 16 people on, but after the overwhelming response (over 300 applicants) they expanded the class to fit 20 up and coming coders!
It combines teaching and on-site projects which will evolve into remote work options further into the course. As well as provide new skills, School of Code will also be helping their bootcamp participants to find career opportunities once the programme is finished.
It’s predicted that 49% of today’s jobs will not exist by 2030. This is why Birmingham’s School of Code is encouraging diversity in the tech industry, to tackle the assumptions about the kinds of people that work in programming and to encourage people to become the creators of tomorrow.
The bootcamp is programmed (pun not intended) to equip more people with the skills required for the tech industry, given that there are 125,000 unfilled tech jobs in the UK every year.
The applicants moving forward range from 18-60 years old, and there is almost an exact 50/50 gender split, a very exciting prospect for the future of the tech industry!
While School of Code aren’t the first company to introduce free coding skills to the masses, they are trying to build a coding community, encouraging networking and team-based projects. They are eager to provide a real-world environment for their students and give them the mind set required to be a creative coder, not just the surface level know-how.
If you’re an employer, coding whiz, or tech expert, you can get involved by offering mentoring sessions, guest lectures, or sponsoring the programmes. You are also invited to attend their Bootcamp Launch Event on September 26th, where you can network and meet all of the course recruits!