In any manufacturing process the profit margin for the company comes from the quality of the product and how cheaply it can be made. You can have the best product design available but a poor build quality will make the finished items quality sub-par and ensure your competitors get the lion’s share of the market. Alternatively you could have a top quality product that has been built to the highest standards but the process is so slow the cost per unit is pricing you out of the market.
How can you ensure speed without compromising the quality? MoyaVox Manufacturing can help you.
Using the Voice Recognition technology that has been utilised with great success in the logistics industry, MoyaVox Manufacturing brings the speed and accuracy you require to produce accurately built products for a reduced cost of labour.
By using blind checks throughout the build, and allowing your workers to follow the work instructions to the letter, while still having their hands and eyes free to maintain constant productivity, MoyaVox Manufacturing brings your production line into the 21st century. Additional reporting can catch any errors and show a full trail for each product, from the first step to last and provide traceability for every component used.
With a highly configurable interface and process flows, MoyaVox Manufacturing can help improve most manufacturing processes, regardless of the industry you work in.
- Hands free, eyes free working
- Real-time data capture
- Increased speed
- Increased accuracy
- Full traceability
- Easy to configure reporting
Call MoyaVox today and arrange for a free consultation to see how MoyaVox Manufacturing can help you.

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