Call: 01827 55334



The driving principle behind any MoyaVox implementation is to provide the customer with the greatest benefits and create an ongoing partnership where they can take full advantage of every aspect of their solution. But how do we achieve this?

We believe in understanding your business. We will visit your site and build that knowledge and along with your employees we will identify where you could make gains.

  • We will quantify those gains and help you build a business case.
  • We will give a proposal built around your business, defining how we will help.
  • We will work with your staff to provide a detailed specification to give you a complete documented understanding of what you will get and what the results will be.
  • We will work with your current provider to provide the relevant interfaces to the MoyaVox Solution.
  • We will agree a signed-off plan, giving you a commitment to provide on the solution that we have designed.
  • We will support your User Acceptance training.
  • We will support your Go-Live.
  • We will support you into the future and provide up to date information on new developments or products that may be of interest to your business.

Complex Picking for E-Commerce

As more businesses expand into e-commerce alongside their existing store networks, the complexity of the associated logistics has increased beyond the coping ability of many current systems. In the last decade the retail market place and the logistics industry which...

Mail more valued than email, finds Royal Mail

Experiments by Royal Mail found people value something 24 per cent more highly when they can see and touch it compared to when they can see only. And 55 per cent of those in the study by Royal Mail MarketReach said that mail gives them a better impression of the...

VW set to transform automotive supply chains

30th January 2015 New technologies and shorter product cycles pose serious challenges for the motor industry globally. And, according to Garcia Sanz, procurement board member at Volkswagen: “In future, a key success factor will be a highly efficient global supplier...


Moyavox   |  3 Sherbrook House, Swan Mews, Lichfield, Staffordshire, WS13 6TU   |   Telephone  01827 55334

© Copyright Minster Computer Systems Ltd 2023   |   Registered in England No: 2271395   |   VAT Registration Number: 486806795